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I.T Help again please
omega0684 - 1/12/09 at 08:56 AM

Morning chaps,

i have installed my new harddrive on my desktop now with windows 7 but i know need to transfer everything from my old harddrive but when i put it into the computer and boot it up it doesn't recognise the old harddrive in the 'my computer' window. (it did at first but now it doesn't)

second, i have reinstalled the drivers for my sound card and ran a speaker check, all working fine, but when i play a movie or play a music file there is no sound?

Any suggestions?

ko_racer - 1/12/09 at 09:02 AM

You need to make sure you have set the old hard drive jumper pins to be "Slave"

Then plug the hard drive into the spare connector on the cable attached to the new hard drive.

Make sure you then go into the system bios, usually F1 or F2 as the machine is turned on. Make sure the settings for the primary slave drive is set to auto.

This should then show up when you start windows.

RazMan - 1/12/09 at 09:08 AM

If your drives are SATA then the jumpers won't make any difference - but IDE drives will need to be configured as above.

Have you tried Windows Update for sorting out all of the extra drivers required? My system needed about 30 updates before it was fully functional.

omega0684 - 1/12/09 at 09:20 AM

ok harddrives are sorted, any ideas on the sound issue?

vinny1275 - 1/12/09 at 09:40 AM

Not sure about Win7, but in earlier versions there was a drop-down in the sounds control panel which said "Use this device for audio playback" - if it hadn't found the correct drivers at some point this was sometimes empty - drop it down and select your sound card and you should be OK.....

Other things to check are the advanced volume settings, check the main and Wave settings aren't very low....



spidersaurus - 1/12/09 at 09:47 AM

maybe sound codec file from music missing?
i thought windows 7 was suppose to update everything for you though.

omega0684 - 1/12/09 at 10:30 AM

sound now working, cheers guys

vinny1275 - 1/12/09 at 10:55 AM

what was it in the end?

omega0684 - 1/12/09 at 10:57 AM

deselected the sound card and then reselected it and it started working, im not going to ask why, lol.