I have win.7 home premium on my computor and would like to upgrade to win.7 ultimate. can I overwrite the premium with the ultinate or what way do I go about it.Dont want to lose what is in the home premium. Any one out there wave an answer. David
Don't microsoft offer an in-place upgrade thinger?
i run windows 7 ultimate and find it to be glitchy just looks nice
I have windows 7 ulimate as a full install and it runs smooth , iv just booted up an old hard drive with xp and everything seems so slow..
david ,,buy a 500gig hard drive for less than £40 and put your new w7 ultimate on that and then drag everything you need off your other hard drive to
the new one .
i use overclockers as its only 20 mins drive away but they do a good delivery service
[Edited on 6/12/09 by OX]
Originally posted by OX
I have windows 7 ulimate as a full install and it runs smooth , iv just booted up an old hard drive with xp and everything seems so slow..
Slightly OT but I recently put new hard drive with XP on my laptop instead of the Vista it had -(Clean install) and find the XP noticebly slower than
the Vista ???????
Back to your question - Maybe it will depend on whether you upgrade to 64 bit OS
[Edited on 7/12/09 by Ivan]
With win 7 you have the anytime upgrade service whic Microsoft sat will take 10 minutes to upgrade any install of win 7 to any other. Not tried it as
I have Ultimate, but I'm finding it noticeably quicker than a relatively fresh XP install.
And it's pretty