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Wii on a LAN
lsdweb - 30/12/09 at 10:16 PM

Hi All

I want to connect my Wii to the network in the house (wireless is OK but a bit weak). I have a network point behind the TV but that's in use for my Media Centre PC. I've got 2 questions -

Can I use a pair of splitters, one at the TV end and one as a 'combiner' at the patch panel upstairs to use the full 8 cables in the Cat5 cable and are they any good? (I've got spare Cat 5 tucked away in the wall but it's a bit of a job to get it out and connect it!)

Are the USB to Lan adaptors any good?

Thanks in advance guys.


McLannahan - 30/12/09 at 10:19 PM

You'll only get 100mb from a 5e cable with splitters on both end - That's assuming all 8 cables have been wired in as expected.

I'd do that for now if I were you - the economisers are quite cheap!

McLannahan - 30/12/09 at 10:20 PM ssories_SM?hash=item53d5c3454f

Bays - Fiver.

lsdweb - 30/12/09 at 10:29 PM

Thanks - the wiring and sockets are all OK as I tested it when I installed it (all 600m of it!)

I've got a couple of those economisers but they look cheap and nasty - I'll give them a go when I get a USB to LAN adaptor for the Wii.


McLannahan - 30/12/09 at 10:37 PM

Will the Wii not ramp onto the wireless at all Wyn? I'd use that first for simplicity - mine picks up the wireless really well - better than the laptops!

The other option could be HomePlugs - some hate them but others love them. I know Ham Radio fans aren't fans! Having said that they work well and they're very easy to set up.

You could always put a basic switch at the end but if you have the economisers already....

Cheap and nasty will be fine - They only need to swap over a few key connections in the 8 to allow data on the unused wires. It's a stupidly simple idea so cheap and nasty will probably be fine! You can wire them yourself if you want even cheaper and nastier!

I've not used the USB-LAN converters but it's a very basic circuit. I guess the only question will be getting one that's certified to work with the Wii.


lsdweb - 30/12/09 at 10:44 PM

It will probably pick up on the wireless but I'd prefer the reliability of the hard wired network (stuff I can see!)

I may dig out the spare cat 5 ( I ran an extra length with every socket) and use that and do it properly. If I get the time...........!

I want it mainly for IPLayer not games btw.

Thanks for the help!

[Edited on 30/12/09 by lsdweb]

McLannahan - 30/12/09 at 10:48 PM

My Wii on iPlayer streams really well on the wireless Wyn - much much better than I thought. No buffering, pausing or anything - it's spot on!

But...If I had an easy LAN port and wireless wasn't top notch....It's always better than wifi!

rgrs - 31/12/09 at 08:58 AM

Do you already have the lan converter, to my suprise the wii's out of the box are wireless only.

However as above the wireless is usually better than the laptops. There is a problem however using WPA2 on AES encyption with the current firmware it frequently fails to complete negotiation.


lsdweb - 1/1/10 at 03:08 PM

It's all working nicely on wireless but it does get a little 'pixelated' at times so I'll try the LAN adaptor when it arrives.

IPlayer is very good! Shame I can't get 4OD on the Wii too!