hi all i know some of you are good at this sort of thing so here goes.
Ive just switched my phone and broadband package from sky to orange my old sky wireless router has 4 wired connections on the back and my new orange
one only has 1 i need 3 plus the wireless after talkingto orange they said that is the only router they have but i could use my existing router if
How do i do this i have being tring to do it most of today now and cant work it out and orange dont know how to use the sky netgear router
cheers adam
I'd continue with the Netgear router, the Orange Liveboxes are hideous!!
You should be able to get to the router homepage on, just change your internet details on the admin page.
If you have internet probs in the future, plug the livebox back in or Orange don't like helping (they just read from a script).
you need to get a small ethernet switch and connect them together - something like
this on ebay would do the trick
edit: or do as Marcus said which is probably a better idea
[Edited on 30/1/10 by mookaloid]
Problem with the sky netgears is that they are tied to sky as such there is no where to enter in your username. They can have modified firmware
loaded to get around this and turn them into a proper router, this probably explains why you're struggling!
I'll try and find the link for you now... Is it a dg834? If it is here you,
[Edited on 30/1/10 by RichardK]
I use an old Sky Netgear router and like the post above says, you have to re flash the firmware as it's tied to sky. Quite simple to do if memory
serves me correctly.
I will try and find the website I used to do mine.
Here it is. After you have flashed it log into the router and the username and
password will be admin and password. Now you will be able to enter your new details and set a new password and sort out your wireless encryption.
[Edited on 30/1/10 by cerbera]
[Edited on 30/1/10 by cerbera]
Originally posted by RichardK
Problem with the sky netgears is that they are tied to sky as such there is no where to enter in your username. They can have modified firmware loaded to get around this and turn them into a proper router, this probably explains why you're struggling!
I'll try and find the link for you now... Is it a dg834? If it is here you,
[Edited on 30/1/10 by RichardK]
With sky boxes click Admin Panel using admin as the username and sky as the password at the top of that webpage should
be the model, that previous post I gave has also easy instructions to use. If it is a gt then I've got all you need together in one file that I
can email to you.