I've three laptops, 2 network music players and an ipod touch all of which usually
connect happily to my (wn) wireless network. But today, one laptop can't find the wn.
It can find several others and connect to the only unsecured one but can't pick up my own !
All other gadgets are fine.
Has it ever connected to this network? Is it a bt home hub? If it is BT sometimes do a forced firmware update which changes config settings which can
bugger up existing networks, just need to log into the router and make sure all is set right.
Netgear DG834G and yes, it usually connects fine. No changes have been made.
This happens with mine sometimes and I need to reboot everything from modem, wireless router, access point, network usb hub and it usually works. It is a pain but worth it
This sometimes happens with my daughter's netbook. She's generally managed to switch the wireless off!
Have you done a firmware update to the router? Has the laptop done some windows updates? How new is it? What sort of security are you using on teh
Now ill explain my questions
Have you done a firmare update? - Obvious really ALTHOUGH if its an G and N band router it may have dropped the G config and only be leaving the N on
and older devices wont be able to see an N band WLAN only G band WLAN.
Has the laptop done some windows updates? - If they have updated the driver for the WLAN card they may have done something daft which leads onto the
What sort of security are you using on teh WLAN? - If you have WEP its less likely to be an issue but some older kit can really struggle with WPA
enadled LANs i have had to switch back to WEP as a couple of older devices i have have wont keep up with WPA so i have them WEP'd up with a MAC
filter inplace.
Have you done a firmware update to the router? Has the laptop done some windows updates? How new is it? What sort of security are you using on teh
Now ill explain my questions
Have you done a firmare update? - Obvious really ALTHOUGH if its an G and N band router it may have dropped the G config and only be leaving the N on
and older devices wont be able to see an N band WLAN only G band WLAN.
Has the laptop done some windows updates? - If they have updated the driver for the WLAN card they may have done something daft which leads onto the
What sort of security are you using on teh WLAN? - If you have WEP its less likely to be an issue but some older kit can really struggle with WPA
enadled LANs i have had to switch back to WEP as a couple of older devices i have have wont keep up with WPA so i have them WEP'd up with a MAC
filter inplace.