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life time ban
theconrodkid - 26/6/10 at 03:47 PM

for some strange reason i have had a life time ban slapped on me from another forum i frequent,i cant even get to see any pages.
any way i can get back onto the forum to see if anything was said

westf27 - 26/6/10 at 03:50 PM

yes give me your details and we will see what you have been up to

Benzine - 26/6/10 at 03:50 PM

tomprescott - 26/6/10 at 03:56 PM

Oooh! What've you been up to then?

Depends how sophisticated they are, they might have banned your username in which case just sign up using a different email address, or they might have banned your IP address, in which case sign in with a new account from a mates house/computer.

theconrodkid - 26/6/10 at 03:56 PM

west,you have u2u

theconrodkid - 26/6/10 at 03:59 PM

says ip addy ban
i havnt been "controversial" for a long time,i,m mr squeaky clean

Fatgadget - 26/6/10 at 04:01 PM

Originally posted by theconrodkid
for some strange reason i have had a life time ban slapped on me from another forum i frequent,i cant even get to see any pages.
any way i can get back onto the forum to see if anything was said

I'd look at it from a glass half full perspective! It's a bit like splitting up with a GF. Attempting a reconciliation almost always ends in tears...Move on to pastures new!

tomprescott - 26/6/10 at 04:02 PM

As ^^^ use a proxy! Just out of curiosity, which forum was it?

theconrodkid - 26/6/10 at 04:06 PM

i cant do complicated things on a compo,its a local chat type forum,maybe it was a mistake,if not ....war has been declared

need4speed - 26/6/10 at 04:11 PM

Do you have a static IP address if not the one you have may have been used by some else who was banned.

Need to turn your router off over night then hope you get a diffrent IP address.


theconrodkid - 26/6/10 at 04:16 PM

dunno about static addy,it,s BT and i always turn the router off at night

scootz - 26/6/10 at 04:54 PM

Originally posted by theconrodkid
if not ....war has been declared

Cool... is the cause just and noble? If so, then count me in!

theconrodkid - 26/6/10 at 05:37 PM

i an a just and noble person,does that count?

Madinventions - 26/6/10 at 06:12 PM

Try logging in via


theconrodkid - 26/6/10 at 06:16 PM

hm,anonymouse dont work

Steve Hignett - 26/6/10 at 09:30 PM

What idiot would choose a name like anonymouse???

welderman - 26/6/10 at 10:57 PM


Fozzie - 26/6/10 at 11:19 PM

Originally posted by Steve Hignett
What idiot would choose a name like anonymouse???

907 - 27/6/10 at 05:05 AM

I offered to help a bloke out once during my holidays.

The first morning tea break we sat in his van and he asked me what I thought about racing pigeons.

I answered; "delicious".

Some people are just easy to upset. Don't worry about it.

Paul G