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Nigerian Scammer
Tim 45 - 4/8/10 at 05:03 PM

Hi all,

As you may have seen i'm trying to sell a laptop and computer. I've put an advert here and gumtree.

I was contacted via gumtree about it, from a fellow who wanted to pay by paypal. Initially thinking OK, as I know people who have sold through paypal on gumtree.

Anyways, his next email is the typical scam email about just give me your paypal address i decide instead, rather than give him my email address, request the money via paypal.

Anyway, long and short, i keep getting emails from "paypal", saying money has been paid, and ones from him saying please ship to my cousin in Nigeria ASAP as I have paid.

I have politely asked to stop contacting me as no money has been paid and i no longer want to do business with him etc.

More emails came.

My last email then said that if he continues to contact me I'd report it as harrassment to the police.

Next thing I know, I've got another email from him with some long winded explanation of ceremonies ?!? and an email from 'paypal' saying I have 24 hours to send the item otherwise the police will be contacted. Clearly they won't and they can't.

My question is what would you do now? I've tried ignoring but they keep pestering.

neilj37 - 4/8/10 at 05:23 PM

I would report the scam emails to paypal and let them deal with it. I don't think the police would be interested so probably not worth contacting them.

PSpirine - 4/8/10 at 05:27 PM

Yep, just contact paypal.. also say you can only ship to the confirmed address!

stevec - 4/8/10 at 05:32 PM

Cant you just block his emails and just forget all about him?

bi22le - 4/8/10 at 06:28 PM

Send all relivent emails to Paypal and forget.


Tell HIM he has won 1,000,000 Ugandan dollars and that you just needs his band account details, its alot of monies!!!

norfolkluego - 4/8/10 at 06:52 PM

I keep getting emails from 'Paypal' saying they've confirmed my change of password and would I like to mail them back with the password so they can activate it.

Frighteningly clever

jase380 - 4/8/10 at 07:32 PM

tell him to go forth and multiply the scamming retard... they get right on my tits.

eznfrank - 4/8/10 at 07:32 PM

Tell him it's in the post!

se7en - 4/8/10 at 09:24 PM

Originally posted by Tim 45

My question is what would you do now? I've tried ignoring but they keep pestering.

Ignore them, you are not trying hard enough to ignore them, they will eventually go away

richiegallon - 5/8/10 at 06:53 AM

Have some fun winding him up, I did this ages ago with a mobile I was selling, I had him all over the place! This is a good place to start!

scootz - 5/8/10 at 07:05 AM

Be careful if winding him up... I did that a couple of years ago and it came back to haunt me.

Long story short... obvious scammer was led a merry dance by myself and he took his revenge! The following day he used a hacked eBay account to 'buy' all the items I was selling and then left negative feedback. It took weeks for eBay to eventually get round to cleaning up the mess he left!

Just remember that some of these guys are pretty damn clever... get one who has a little time on his hands and who wants to 'play' and it could lead to trouble...

richiegallon - 5/8/10 at 12:16 PM

Good point, you do have to be careful, I think the one I had was particularly thick and I had a great time wasting his time

Ninehigh - 6/8/10 at 08:04 AM

Can't the junk filter sort it out?