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Calling all computer wizards
davrus - 17/1/11 at 12:40 PM

Hi ya . hope some one can help my with my computer issue

I was working in paint shop and got ready to print some images, When i clicked print it told me that printer spool is not running so unable to detect a default printer.
So i clicked on Start / Run and typed in msconfig, i then clicked the services tab and scrolled down to printer spool which had a tick in the checked box and status as stopped, i then double clicked on the printer spool hoping it would bring up a menu to start it up again but it didnt, all it said when i double clicked on it was windows needs to restart in order to make changed would you like to restart now, so i clicked YES. Now when it tries to boot up it gets as far as the windows XP loading screen then reboots again and will not load.
So my question is what have i done and how can i sort it out without reinstalling windows.
I duel boot and am able to boot up with windows 7 on the same computer and it will allow me to go in to C drive and view files and folders so is there any thing there that makes it easyer to check why xp will not load. I am guessing it may well be somthing in system32 which i can access via booting up in windows7.

Hope that all makes sence.

Thanks in advance


mookaloid - 17/1/11 at 02:10 PM

I would run a defrag and chkdsk to see if there is a hard drive error first.