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Email hijack problems...
StevieB - 2/2/11 at 10:55 PM

I got a weird email from my mum today with a link attached at the bottom that led to a dodgy viagra site - she was replying to me as the email had originated from my email.

I checked my sent items and it seems that every bloody person who's emailed me has been sent spam from my email address at 11:45 ish this morning.

So, firstly apologies to anyone who's received anything from me - I certainly don't have a sideline in cheap viagra sales!

Does anyone have experience with this sort of problem - should I ditch the email address and get a new one or is there another way of making sure it doesn't happen again (change passwords etc.). Problem is it's my business email address, so not only has every client I have been spammed from me, but I don't really want to miss out on any business because I've changed my email.

Any advice would be appreciated.



marcjagman - 2/2/11 at 11:01 PM

Tell whoever your email is with, Yahoo, hotmail etc and they will do something about it. I use hotmail and they encourage people to report the slightest problem.

owelly - 2/2/11 at 11:13 PM

But on a more serious note, can I have 20 of your finest roosting pills please?

britishtrident - 2/2/11 at 11:21 PM

Looks like you have a spam bot running on your own PC that has went through you Outlook/Outlook Express address book.

coyoteboy - 3/2/11 at 01:47 AM

Pretty common problem and why I keep work emails totally seperate from everything else, never use it to register for anything.

Change the password, check your machine with all available tools. Not in that order.

britishtrident - 3/2/11 at 07:52 AM

You need to down load install a good anti virus program (such as Avira Premium) and restart the computer in safe mode and do a full virus sweep.
Once the Spambot is cleared must set up defences against it happening again.

First stage of defence against spambots getting on to your system is to make sure the incoming mail comes through a mailbox with an ISP who has decent spam and virus filtering. How good ISP virus & spam varies greatly and is not always obvious when you sign up to an ISP this one of the reasons we use Plusnet Broadband.

The next stage is spam filtering and malware detection on your PC preventing damaging & junk email reaching your email programe, on our Windows PCs we use Avir Premium as a virus filter and Robin Kier's K9 set up use strict black hole filtering for us this combination has proved 100% effective.

The final and possibly the most import stage is to install and use Thunderbird for receiving and sending email, install Thinderbird import your emails and address books from Outlook/Outlook Express check it all works and then delete your Outlook/Outlook Express address book.

splitrivet - 3/2/11 at 09:45 AM

Is those Viagra eyedrops that make you look hard.

StevieB - 3/2/11 at 07:55 PM

Originally posted by owelly
But on a more serious note, can I have 20 of your finest roosting pills please?

I have some special pills now available, twice the strength - I call them 'double headers'.