So I have my business broadband with BT - I recently had a few problems with the router and BT sent someone straight round to sort it. The guy fitted
a new router and said watch your speed, it'll probably get better over the next few days.
Just done a speedtest on the line (I've just got the standard set-up and standard package, not fibre optic) and I'm getting 18Mb
I used to get a max of about 6Mb.
Now I'm genuinely surprised, I didn't now you could get speeds like that on a regular line.
[Edited on 6/4/11 by Jasper]
nice one! think i get about 2....
sky offer 20Mb over normal phone lines, don't know what the maximum is though
I get 42mb......would be 50mb if the link from the street was fibre optic
We're too far away from the exchange to get BB Luckily we can get a wireless service from a local company but it's not particularly cheap.
it all depends on your local exchange and the distance to your exchange from your house
this is only relevant to ADSL connections
1. the greater the distance from your property to the exchange the more noise on the line, the more noise on the line the slower the speed.
2. different exchanges have different equipment ADSL, ADSL Max, 21CN and FTTC. FTTC or fibre to the cabinet is still very new and was only available
to heavily populated areas last time i looked its due to be nationwide by 2015, by which time it will be outdated as they have no IPV6 support and
they should have gone to the extra expense of the last few meters to peoples homes/businesses.
3. make sure you have the correct router for what your exchange is capable of (your ISP must also support these services). if your run an ADSL router
on a 21CN network your cant hope for more than 12Mb (probably more like 8Mb), but your line supports up to 24Mb (more like 20Mb)
4. find out here what your local
exchange supports.
5. make sure your provider is either BT or one of the LLU (local loop unbundling) providers. ISPs that have access to your exchange are more likely
to support the features of your exchange.
6. get a virgin media cable connection, where available it has 50MB and in some cases 100MB connections. there really isnt anything better for
reasonable money.
hope that helps explain some stuff
[Edited on 6/4/11 by MikeFellows]
6. get a virgin media cable connection, where available it has 50MB and in some cases 100MB connections. there really isnt anything better for reasonable money.
Originally posted by monkeyarms
6. get a virgin media cable connection, where available it has 50MB and in some cases 100MB connections. there really isnt anything better for reasonable money.
Virgin dont do buisness do they? Also their traffic managment is prohibitive to anyone looking to really get the most out of a 50/100 line.
I have BT broadband too and supposed to be upto 5mb but I regularly get over 16 and could never belive it or work out why until I realised that everyone else in my road is knocking on a bit and I suspect im the only one with the internet!
Yeah - I've got Virgin cable at home, rock solid 20Mb until I went and upgraded (for free) to 30Mb and had nothing but trouble since! Apparently
it's in external area problem and nothing to be with my upgrade that will be fixed in a couple of weeks and they're crediting me the whole
As for downloading lots with Virgin I got a letter about 2 years ago asking nicely if I could schedule my big downloads for night time, done that ever
since and no more worries.
VM isnt throttled on a business connection, but I think you can only get 20MB on a business - might be wrong though