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Here's a test, find my phone
Ninehigh - 23/4/11 at 06:23 PM

My old phone has been used as a walkman for the past few years, up until a few days ago when it vanished. Normally I wouldn't lament the loss of pictures and such that I can't get back but it also doubles as company when I'm at work (like the way old people have the tv on all the time)

So I'm wondering if it can be tracked at all? It has no phone number attached to it as the sim has been deactivated (if it's in there still) and it's set to "flight mode" which means it's neither sending nor recieving a signal.

Or does that mean I'm just going to have to tear the house apart so I can keep this job without going insane

rusty nuts - 23/4/11 at 06:32 PM

CraigJ - 23/4/11 at 09:40 PM

Originally posted by rusty nuts