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Duke Nukem Forever....
Jasper - 11/6/11 at 11:10 AM

Loaded it up before I came to work this morning and played it for just a couple of minute .... it open with you controlling Duke having a pee in the Gents, classic

Haven't played a FSP for ages, but I'm looking forward to this one.

Ninehigh - 11/6/11 at 05:07 PM

You know it's taken this long to make it because they had a contract to feature "Chinese Democracy" as the soundtrack

40inches - 11/6/11 at 06:33 PM

Are the cops still pigs, and does it have any pole dancers in it?

T66 - 11/6/11 at 06:43 PM

The original is available for the iphone (59p) - and its exactly the same as the first game.

The original shootem up game - brilliant

Jasper - 11/6/11 at 10:25 PM

Plenty of pole dancers and lots more besides

stevebubs - 11/6/11 at 11:13 PM

Originally posted by 40inches
Are the cops still pigs, and does it have any pole dancers in it?

Yes and yes - put it on last night (PS3) and my 4 year old got up. It was at the startup screen and he spent the next 10 minutes running around the house shouting "Boobies!!" at the top of his voice....

Peteff - 12/6/11 at 08:22 AM

Does he still say "Come get some" ? I used to play Duke all the time