I'm doing some simple forms in MS word.
I have a number of sections which require a couple of option buttons. Only thing is I don't seem to be able to separate them between sections.
For example I have 4 sections of a form on a single page, each with a yes no option, yet im only able to select a single option from the whole page
not answer yes to each question. Does that make sense?
I'm sure its simple, can anyone help? I'm not too up on VB
You will need to group two option buttons(Yes/No) together. select the two buttons that you want to group and go to properties and type in a group
name. each set of 2 buttons will need to have its own group name.
Hope this helps
awesome, will try that tomorrow
Top Advice thanks!
If you get stuck on anything else let me know. I do alot of VBA programming mainly for AutoCAD but its all the same sort of script for office.