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Script? VB? help to auto login
ReMan - 27/7/11 at 11:05 PM

I now have to use a new webbased callender/planner at work and I could do with opening it every morning when i start my PC or at will.

I have a XP machine and can do a batch file to run the right page in IE and put it in the startup group but that's my skill ended.
Ca anyone suggest how i do this to open the page and input my username and password for me please?

McLannahan - 28/7/11 at 06:36 AM

There used to be quite a few macro applications for XP and there's a few on this page. Not so common now. Logging into XP automatically can be done a few ways. Easy with Powertoys ( PowerUI module) or two lines written into the registry. You could go even further and define wake and shutdown times in the pc bios. It could Ghent switch itself on, log into Windows and then run the macro application ( do It again application on that webpage looks to suit your needs) and then shut itself down at the end o the day! Repeat ad nauseam!

Hope that helps

ReMan - 28/7/11 at 08:03 AM

Thanks for that, yes and no.

I didnt mention that it cant involve downloading any software, even freeware, (company policy).
Yes tweakui was well used at home over the years

So i need to use whatever comes as standard xp+msoffice really ...


David Jenkins - 28/7/11 at 08:07 AM

Very few systems will let you automate the entry of your username and password, purely for security reasons.

dan_g8 - 28/7/11 at 12:31 PM

you can do it through vba, i had a similar script, you need to know what the imput boxes are named though.