Hi All
I have a samsung syncmaster 226CW used as a 2nd monitor on my laptop, all of a sudden its just died no warning just went blank and no life at all
Had a google and thought it may be the PSU capacitors they look OK i.e. no bulging.
Any ideas or bin it, had it a couple of years and it was 2nd hand when i got it.
Ta for any help.
Fuse in the plug?
Dont laugh, we have all jumped in at the deep end and expected the worse for no reason!!!
or kicked the VGA cable out the back of the PC
probably will be the psu capacitors,
but also maybe the back-light, is there any trace of an image, (use a very bright torch to look)
does the power light come on at all?
Have tried a different lead i know works...... nothing
There is no life whatsoever no power on lights etc....
maybe try and get hold of some replacement caps then (nothing to loose!)
I've been lucky with a monitor and a Samsung 37" tv changing capicitors, so may be worth a go , ebay is an easy place to get the parts. Sometimes kits are listed for a particular monitor (usually Samsung)
Getting round to fixing this , popped by maplin to get some caps , they didn't have an 820 mf cap only a 1000 mf one.
How important with caps is it to get an identical one?
best to try and get the same rating, and certainly the same construction. - only replace electrolytics with new electrolytics
though generally +100% / -50% might/should work.
the voltage rating however must not be less than you currently have, but it would be fine to replace 16v rated ones with anything above (say
25v ) though higher voltage ones tend to be larger.