As MY Ipad, has been taken by the wife as hers property, i am thinking about a second one, also my Mother wants one, but does not have a PC to back it
up on,
currently we have my ipad, and iphone all backed up on the main PC
so my question is, can i have more than one ipad configured through itunes, as if we did, mine, wifes, mums, would all have different apps, settings
You can either register them both to the same apple ID. That means you can sync contacts, calendars, photos apps etc through iCloud and only but them once. You can still choose which you want on each, they remain a unique device. Or you can create a new apple ID for the new one which will then exist on its own, you can authorize the apps to be shared but cannot sync through the cloud! We went through the same a year ago. Now the kids both have iPad minis too!!!!
use icloud to backup ye stuff then you dont need to connect ye ipad to the pc.
also you can have more than one ID registered on ye PC so I have my IPAD, my iphone on my id, the mrs Iphone on hers and the daughter has a ipod touch
on her account which all use icloud and i use my laptop if I need to put more music on but this is now done wireless which is much better :O)
hope that helps.
Just be aware to get proof of ownership from the old user. i have a issue with old user of my last ipad when i wanted to transfer to my Apple ID n use
i had to get proof of ownership n email off to Apple. doesnt always happen but mine did for some reason.