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Solidworks question
Alan B - 12/7/13 at 01:51 PM

Guys, I have a lot (about 60) drawings done for a customer who is now asking me can they be re-plotted on different drawing borders. From what I understand this is not possible......but is it?
Thanks, Alan

deezee - 12/7/13 at 02:27 PM

Yes, easily. Just define a new title block, or use a new sheet format.

coyoteboy - 12/7/13 at 02:44 PM

Yep, open drawing Edit>Properties hit the browse button and put in your new sheet format.

Alan B - 12/7/13 at 02:44 PM

Yeah I thought it would be something like that........but I'm puzzled at the difference between templates (which I think can't be changed) and formats (which can...I think)....the drawings were originally done from a I'm just totally confused..

Alan B - 13/7/13 at 03:03 AM

Thanks really was as easy as you implied....

LCB to the rescue again....