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Puter going T%ts up.
splitrivet - 27/10/04 at 04:25 PM

Wonder if any of you computer whiz kids have come accross this,my machines keeps switching itself off when I try to reboot I sometimes get a black screen with debug error and a bunch of ffff's.
Its doing my flipping head in .
Its not the ram or video card as Ive tried changing them.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated,before I go completely barking mad

Peteff - 27/10/04 at 07:20 PM

Does it run in safe mode? It might be a windows or driver thing not hardware. Save what you can and try a clean install of everything.

splitrivet - 27/10/04 at 07:34 PM

XP Pete I havent loaded anything new into the machine at all so its really got me beat.It'll run OK for a bit then wham,its gone.

cerbera - 27/10/04 at 07:58 PM

I had a similar problem. A box came up saying Shutdown was initiated by NT AUTHORITY/SYSTEM. If this is what you are experiancing try this link.

Hope it helps.

splitrivet - 29/10/04 at 09:00 AM

Found the problem with my PC it was the processor fan,stuck a new one in and hey presto.