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Ebay frustration!
chris68 - 27/8/14 at 08:25 PM

Any of you guys out there computer wizards? For the record I'm not!!

Over the last year or so I have found Ebay a real problem to work with, both buying and selling. Initially having just logged in and wanting to place a bid, for example, I was asked to log in again but this would not always happen. Then while trying to search for stuff or go to details for an item I started getting HTTP400 errors repeatedly then eventually it was ok. I also get repeated errors like 'Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage' Getting to be almost impossible at times to use. These errors can be constant or just appear after a while - no pattern as far as I can see.

For the record I am using an old laptop running Vista with the last available update package loaded. No other websites I use have this problem - so can I rule out broadband connection or operating system?

We recently, 3 weeks ago, bought a new laptop running Windows 8.1 which to me is like giving a caveman a typewriter ( what the F.... do I do with that)!!! My other half has used Ebay on that almost as soon as we got it home and had similar problems. Could it just be Ebay? If so why have I not seen loads of other frustrated people posting about it?

If anyone has had similar problems and knows a good solution then please let me know, but please describe in words of one syllabal step by step!


Frustrated of the South Coast!!

MikeR - 27/8/14 at 08:42 PM

are you with virgin?

I had the same problem and also with amazon and things where slowly slowing down. I work in IT and tried everything.

Eventually i figured it wasnt me. Called virgin and a nice man came round. Replaced my wall socket and router (both 14 years old) and been fine since. Problem was the signal was too strong causing the router to reset mid web site download (I didn't understand this but decided not to care as everything works and is much faster).

chris68 - 27/8/14 at 09:01 PM

Thats interesting but odd that it is only certain websites that cause this to happen.

We have been with Plusnet for 6 plus years so may give them a call - thanks

ChapmansTailpipe - 27/8/14 at 10:04 PM

Yes I'm with plusnet and I don't have this problem

ste - 27/8/14 at 10:36 PM

try downloading and installing Firefox or chrome. to rule out whether it's a browser issue.

Let us know if that sorts it.

Can also be cookie related too. if you have denied cookies, the browser won't know you are logged in. Always allow cookies when it's a site you know, otherwise it's no end of problems

britishtrident - 28/8/14 at 07:09 AM

As above take a couple of minutes to install Mozilla Firefox ( ) or Google Chrome ( ) just make sure particularly with Firefox you install from a Mozilla source so you don't unwittingly install some extra "free" program with it.

chris68 - 28/8/14 at 05:19 PM

Thanks for all the advice. Ok this is what I have done.

Initially opened up IE9 (all I can get on Vista apparently), went to tools, then interent options, privacy, sites and then made sure ebay was added to 'always allow cookies'.

Initial findings were good, but then after a few minutes the old problems resumed so I went back into tools just to make sure what I had done was still in place - it was.

Followed your advice and downloaded Mozilla. This worked fine for a while but then started saying unable to load page or going around in circles and asking me to constantly re-enter user name and password. All other websites are fine just Ebay which I find strange!

Any other thoughts?



chris68 - 28/8/14 at 05:32 PM

If this helps - with Mozilla the error on Ebay apart from constantly having to re-enter password is 'connection was reset'

May help diagnose the fault?

chris68 - 3/9/14 at 08:44 PM

I have also installed Chrome and that just comes up with 'no data' when trying to log onto Ebay. Everything else is fine.

I am now unable to log onto Ebay full stop using any browser!

General browsing on Ebay is generally ok at the moment, but as soon as i try to sign in from any link I either get HTTP400 error or 'unable to display webpage'.

Any other clues?

McLannahan - 3/9/14 at 09:03 PM

eBay is having some tech issues today!

chris68 - 14/9/14 at 12:47 PM

Had a brain wave today! An earlier reply to my post suggested the router may have a signal thats causing problems. So I had a rummage in a box of cables and came up with an ethernet that came with the router, so I wired up the router to the PC and hey presto it was fine on Ebay! Managed to order some bits and bobs that needed going back and searching around with no problems. So it may well be the routers wireless signal.

Is anyone having trouble logging in to Ebay at present? Searching is fine but am unable to log in.

big_wasa - 14/9/14 at 05:37 PM

Yes its been down for half the day, there is another thread. Just pleased I wasn't selling anything.

tajgreidotu - 14/9/14 at 06:41 PM

Originally posted by chris68
Had a brain wave today! An earlier reply to my post suggested the router may have a signal thats causing problems. So I had a rummage in a box of cables and came up with an ethernet that came with the router, so I wired up the router to the PC and hey presto it was fine on Ebay! Managed to order some bits and bobs that needed going back and searching around with no problems. So it may well be the routers wireless signal.

Is anyone having trouble logging in to Ebay at present? Searching is fine but am unable to log in.

Try to change the channel of the wifi, you are maybe getting some "noise" in the signal.

chris68 - 14/9/14 at 08:46 PM

WiFi has channels? I just wait for all the lights to go green!

In simple terms how do I do that?

tajgreidotu - 14/9/14 at 09:46 PM

Hehhee yes , sorry my fault!

Each router has a configurator, that is a website that u can open from your laptop. Depends on how the network is done but usually is

Inside the router you can select wich channel to use. If you tell me which model of router you have maybe i can give you a detailed advice

BenB - 14/9/14 at 10:00 PM

And the username and password are probably admin / admin
Even my router who didnt fall for that trick made the unchangeable wifi key a hash of the serial number it uses as a ssid! Doh!

chris68 - 15/9/14 at 08:43 PM

Cheers for all the help guys. The old laptop with the original problem is working great now I used a cable from the router to PC.

The new one (which I don't understand) is also fine now I moved the router into another room!

For info. the router is a Thompson model TG585 v8.

PS. what are those numbers in your post? Looks like a grid reference on a strange map! And what is a configurator?

See told you I'm clueless with this stuff!

tajgreidotu - 16/9/14 at 06:47 AM

You fixed it, so not that bad

to change the wifi channel on you router follow this instructions

About the username and password, the manual says "If you don’t change the username in step 9, it’ll be set to: Administrator (note the uppercase A). The password will be the serial number of your router. You’ll find the serial number on the bottom of the router, it looks like this: CP123456789 (12) Ignore the part in brackets, the part you need is: CP123456789 - note the uppercase CP. "

Looks scary, but its easier than what it seems!

chris68 - 16/9/14 at 05:14 PM

Cheers for the info.

How the hell did you find all that info. out, I wouldn't even know where to begin!!

Now wheres my slide rule and abacus

tajgreidotu - 16/9/14 at 07:49 PM

Originally posted by chris68
Cheers for the info.

How the hell did you find all that info. out, I wouldn't even know where to begin!!

Now wheres my slide rule and abacus

well, I learnt how to use old computers before being able to read. And now I work in between Google and eBay, making eCommerce & eBay shops for are things that I am using everyday. Your question had all of the parts!

Im sure in your field you have minimum the same knowledge!