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Any idea how to open a file .opl
AndyW - 18/9/14 at 09:45 AM

Hi all,

As the collective can answer almost all questions, I have a computer question.

I have been sent a file from a customer, it's a recording of a phone conversation and I need to listen to it to get to the bottom of a problem. The file sent is a .opl file and I cannot seem to find any way of opening it.

Does any one know how I can open it either in windows 7 (home computer) or on a Microsoft surface pro tablet running windows 8.

Any help appreciated.



theprisioner - 18/9/14 at 10:03 AM

The OPL file extension is mainly related to source code files in Psion OPL language. Used in Psion devices. Presumably you need a Psion device like this:


Here is a development environment from Nokia that will open/edit/compile it I suspect but you need target hardware to run it?

stevebubs - 18/9/14 at 10:41 AM

Given it's a voicemail, I very much doubts it's a psion file

Have you tried renaming to .wav or .mp3 and see if it will play...?

Minicooper - 18/9/14 at 10:52 AM

Could the sender save it in another more popular format?

liam.mccaffrey - 18/9/14 at 11:01 AM

I would try audacity or VLC as a first pass

AndyW - 18/9/14 at 11:10 AM

I tried VLC, didn't work so will try Audacity. the file was recorded on a business line which has an automatic call recording software bit like when you ring the bank and get the message that they record calls for training etc.

It is NOT a voicemail.

Will see how I get on with Audacity.

Any other suggestions in case that does not work?



Norfolkluegojnr - 18/9/14 at 11:32 AM

Certainly appears to be a Psion based file - perhpas there is some form of emulator you can download?

lots of info here. linky

HowardB - 18/9/14 at 11:34 AM

what make is the phone recording system? Perhaps they hold a proprietary file format?

theprisioner - 18/9/14 at 02:10 PM

When I get a problem like this I open it in Notepad. Notepad will open a file in any format. It is surprising how often the headers of a file are written in English and give you a clue what the content is.

AndyW - 18/9/14 at 04:03 PM

Nothing has worked, the files are saved only as .opl files from the client phone system. Looks like the software they use to run the phones is what's needed. Oh well......

dmac - 18/9/14 at 09:32 PM

Have you tried Super from erightsoft? it converts to and from dozens of different formats.
