Friend of mine wants to order a blue tooth transmitter from the bay of fleas,she might as well asked me to buy her a space craft as i know zip about them so,any recomendations,any to avoid,specs etc. it,s for playing music apparently .
What does she want to transmit from?
something like this claims to transmit from most audio devices
2 in1 Wireless Bluetooth Stereo Music Transmitter Receiver Adapter 3.5mm RCA AUX
thanks for the reply,it,s from an i pod nano to her cordless cans so that looks like the ticket
Don't buy from eBay get tautronics brand stuff from amazon. Absolutely fantastic quality stuff, packaging and instructions at an awesome
I have their a BT transmitter and also the BT bud headphones and am really
[Edited on 11/3/17 by liam.mccaffrey]
thanks for the recomendation Liam,will do
Originally posted by theconrodkid
thanks for the reply,it,s from an i pod nano to her cordless cans so that looks like the ticket
cheers Chris,see ya on the 25th