Hi all,
A quick hello from a new member, who also couldnt post in the new member forum...
I'm based on the south coast in the hampshire area and starting down the self-build route (although not strictly the locost style one!).
Anyway, moving on...
Welcome to the club / mad house.
Close to Horndean by any chance?
MikeRWelcome to the club / mad house.
Originally posted by Dave Bailey
Close to Horndean by any chance?
There are a few... what are you building?
Hi, welcome on board
I'm just down the road in Widley.
Well that’s three almost enough for a meet 😬😬😬
I’m in lee on Solent, let me know if anyone is up for a meet!
Well to be honest the plans have evolved recently, but whatever I end up building its going to be based on BMW parts/running gear!
Originally it was going to be a front engined exoskeletal design, but ive recently been bitten by the sheet metal working bug, so its now going to
have some bodywork...
Nice to know there are some local like-minded people around though.
I'm in Rowlands Castle.