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Pics & smilies won't show
Steve Hnz - 28/2/05 at 03:16 AM

Help, Had a bit of a clean out of the hard drive the other day & now some sites don't bring up pics at all well. This site is one of them. When I say pics, I guess I mean image files & as I look at the page I'm typing this on, some of the smilies & buttons are missing. Some have a square with the red X & some are just blank. If I right click them & hit " show picture " they will come up OK then. Its not consistant & some sites are fine, but some pages with thumbnails will only show a few, the rest will be squares with red Xs. Has anyone got any idea of what I may Have done & how to fix it? It seems to effect jpgs & gifs alike. Not terminal but way frustrating. Cheers & thanks, Steve.

Hellfire - 28/2/05 at 12:02 PM

Personally I'd check your internet security settings... sometimes certain images will not show.