Not allowing to login in.
Error 80072efd, which is proxy server details incorrect or their servers down.
Not got a proxy set up and its on autoselct for the lan. Their status claims they are ok. anyone else in/not in?
i am in but it has happened many times to me what ya need to do is restart pc and hope or just wait a while then it should work
good, your quick. glad im not your wife!
thanks will try. I am seriously considering going back to 6.2. apart from winks and nudges i hate it. cant get rid of tabs and cant make it as
'uncommerical' as the older ones.
Looking in more detail i am struglling to find a secure connection that works.
did that work ???? i find 7 ok most of the time it does what it was designed for but just the bugs because it is still in the beta testing
MSN is not beta any more AFAIK. It is now MSN 7 (as opposed to simple MSN Beta).
Update your install if you still have Beta....
sounds too much like hard work i'll let someone else do it when there over next
There should be a thing come up at the top of your MSN window (where your contacts are) telling you there is a new version available.
Alternatively go to:
and download/install the new one. All automatic.
my sis has prob done it then cause that went a while back