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tom windmill - 5/7/05 at 09:44 PM

I hope some brainbox can help!!

I have just built a brand new computer using a pentium 4, 775 socket and an abit motherboard and corsair 1024MB twinX XMS 5400 DDR2 RAM it was ok but it now takes about 5 minutes to boot up and doesnt shut down properly and i can be in the middle of doing something and it will just restart it is also very unstable and slow it doesnt even have hardly anything loaded on to it. also the cpu is not overclocked at all.

Its terrible i hope someone can please help!

Thanks Tom

shades - 5/7/05 at 09:49 PM

Is the memory making poper connections. Mine used to get the blue screen and reboot itself every five mins. Try re seating it?

Hellfire - 5/7/05 at 10:02 PM

When you say 'just' built it. How 'just' is 'just'? Have you plugged in any USB devices with no drivers - that's a common fault. Or if you have onboard memory card slots have you left a card in? Update all drivers... take it from there.

tks - 5/7/05 at 10:25 PM

then the system would be slow

and nowhere an reason for an restart

if memory contacts are bad than you create sparks en you blow up the crap in seconds...

you should look at simple things..

first tell us did it ever worked stable???and how long?

then you need to look at bios settings
like MHz of FSB and RAM etc..

also look at Temperatures
every thing connected??

is your power supply enough???



its an hardware problem..


James - 6/7/05 at 10:41 AM

Originally posted by tks

if memory contacts are bad than you create sparks en you blow up the crap in seconds...

Don't agree actually- we even have to re-seat memory on servers sometimes and they're £7grand Compaq jobs that sit untouched in a cabinet all day- it's not as if they're being moved around!

If you can't find a h/w problem I would consider slinging a different HDD in temporarily and chucking a new OS on it- just to see if it's ok with a rebuild- that'll confirm if h/w or s/w problem!
Shouldn't take long either!


ChrisW - 6/7/05 at 10:59 AM

Sounds to me like either a software problem (reinstall the OS to fix) or the CPU is overheating.


jestre - 6/7/05 at 01:01 PM another PS?

britishtrident - 6/7/05 at 03:18 PM

Slow boot up makes me think operating system problem -- perhaps a virus or the wrong motherboard drivers are being loaded.

Suggest you try booting another operating system such as Knoppix from the cd drive if everything boots fine then you know it is a Windows problem of some kind.

[Edited on 6/7/05 by britishtrident]

Spyderman - 6/7/05 at 03:20 PM

I would suggest CPU overheating as well!

I had similar problems and got round it by using heat transfer compound under heatsink and under clocking it slightly.
Would suggest the heat transfer stuff first with a bloody good heatsink.


Peteff - 6/7/05 at 04:49 PM

Scrape the chewing gum off the cooler and put some arctic silver on instead. Mine runs 10* cooler now and so does the wifes' which I rebuilt last month.

viatron - 6/7/05 at 05:08 PM

1. Try disconnecting all your optical drives
2. Then remove all add in cards apart from VGA.
3. If no better check the PSU is man enough for the job.
4. You should be able to check approx cpu temp via the Bios "health monitoring" option.
5. Also check your Dram timings in the bios.


JoelP - 14/7/05 at 09:34 PM

and failing all that, i have a LARGE hammer available to borrow