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Wrong keyboard language ???
Deckman001 - 22/7/05 at 07:05 PM

Anybody tell me how to change the settings of me keyboard, I think it's just down to it thinking I'm us-English rather than ENGLISH-ENGLISH !! ie @ and " keys are transposed i have also lost the pound sign


lewis635 - 22/7/05 at 07:11 PM

not sure what operating system you are using. but there may be a "EN" symbol in your taskbar left click it then select english UK, failing that try Start-control panel-regional & language settings

Surrey Dave - 22/7/05 at 07:11 PM

>My Computer>Control Panel>Keyboard>Language............

You may have to put a Windows disc in , but probably not.....................

Jonr - 22/7/05 at 07:12 PM

Start - Settings - Control Panel - Keyboard

Add - select En English (British) then OK

window closes, then highlight the language that isn't En English (British), click remove


then that should be you

Deckman001 - 22/7/05 at 07:25 PM

"£@ all working now , Thanks
