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Wanadoo WIFI connection
Locost? - 26/8/05 at 09:48 AM

Wonder if any of you computer buffs out there can help me?

Just bought new laptop with centrino processor and signed up to Wanadoo wireless and Talk. Not being a computer wizz I was told that the connection process would be easy and I wouldn't need any additional hardware as Centrino is set up for WIFI.

Well I have set up wireless broadband and got online with the wireless USB adaptor plugged into laptop that they supplied, everything was going well until I tried to get online without the wirless adaptor (don't really want to use it as it hangs off a USB port on laptop and is asking to be damaged/ripped off/dropped in tea/etc).

Tried to do it myself using little knowledge I have and failed, so i called Wanadoo support who told me that they can't advise me as Centrino wasn't supported by their help desk but I could look it up on their help page online and it should take me 20 minutes to set up?! He also mentioned something about 24 and 26 number codes (he had lost me at this point!).

Does anybody have any experince of the Wanadoo system or how to set it up before I try to do it myself (and end up screwing up my brand new machine).

Thanks in advance.

Hellfire - 26/8/05 at 09:57 AM

It's got nothing to do with your PC - it's your settings for connection that are probably configured wrong.

There is a section on allowing other users (on main PC) to connect to internet through connection - this is probably not checked.... I'll try to find it for you.

Hellfire - 26/8/05 at 10:02 AM

Go to Internet Settings in control panel

Click on connections tab

Highlight your internet connection (should come up as Wanapoo etc etc) then click settings

Click on Properties

Clicxk on advanced

The part where it says Internet Connection Setting - that box should be ticked.


Locost? - 26/8/05 at 10:04 AM

Cheers Hellfire

will try that tonight, am at work at moment

Hellfire - 26/8/05 at 10:04 AM

I stopped using Wanapoo as they suck!

Call centre went from Middlesborough to France then to China in 1 year!!!

lewis635 - 26/8/05 at 11:18 AM

you may also need to grant access for your laptop, this requires the MAC address
should look like xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx, you can find it by looking at the centrino network details you will then need to enter this code in the router settings.