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System Messages in XP.... anyone know?
VinceGledhill - 1/9/05 at 04:10 PM

I have just had a computer crash and have had to upgrade completely.

Now I remember that on the other computer I found a way of stopping those grey popups that come through which are spam.

Please could somone explain how to do it. That brain cell of mine must have died in the meantime.

serendipity123 - 1/9/05 at 04:12 PM

put sp2 on it

Hellfire - 1/9/05 at 04:17 PM

Originally posted by VinceGledhill
I have just had a computer crash and have had to upgrade completely.

Now I remember that on the other computer I found a way of stopping those grey popups that come through which are spam.

Please could somone explain how to do it. That brain cell of mine must have died in the meantime.

Turn them off.... configs are in settings somewhere... they are so annoying! Dont install SP2 if you download much...

VinceGledhill - 1/9/05 at 04:17 PM

I've heard that it really slows down your machine?

BenTyreman - 1/9/05 at 04:22 PM

Start -> Run -> services.msc

Scroll down to Messenger

Change startup type to disabled

As far as I remember, this is the service that causes the popups.

serendipity123 - 1/9/05 at 04:22 PM

as someone that owns a couple of computer shop, i wouldnt install sp2 on a old installation but if you have just reformatted your pc sp2 is a must as you DO NEED IT, it will only slow down your pc if you have historic problems already on the machine.

VinceGledhill - 1/9/05 at 04:24 PM

Thanks Ben. I've done that. Hope that's sorted now.

Now just got to fix the e-mail so that I can send messages. Grrrr.... ;-)

britishtrident - 1/9/05 at 06:24 PM

Just use Firebird for browsing -- IE6 is just one big security breach. Likewise use Thunderbird for mail.

Install SP2 if only for the much improved control over the Xp firewall

Avoneer - 1/9/05 at 06:39 PM

Or Opera and Pocomail - I've used them for years and not looked back at the Internet exploiter stuff...


BenTyreman - 1/9/05 at 08:38 PM

The best way to install SP2 is to slipstream the service pack onto the original Windows CD. Never had any slowdown troubles installing off the slipstreamed disk.

Liam - 1/9/05 at 09:02 PM

Those grey popup ads that appear to be system alerts are caused by having no firewall at all. Metaphorically speaking your computer is bent over with its pants down shouting "bring it on"! Just turn on your windows firewall (even if you haven't installed SP2 there is a rudimentary one) and they'll stop. Get some virus software running whilst you're at it. You can pay for third party security software, but IMHO this stuff just attempts to justify the fact you've paid for it with 'features' that are unnecessary, annoyingly intrusive and hog resources. Personally i have no problems running only the standard windows SP2 firewall and free (avast) antivirus software.

If i were you, I'd definately install SP2 for the security updates and firewall functionality at least. I've experienced no slow down at all. Depending on what sort of stuff you do, SP2 may be a requirement to run certain software - if not now certainly in the future.
