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pics in profile?
zzrpowerd-locost - 19/10/05 at 01:38 PM

How do i get a pic under my name at the side of a post?

its a pic i have in my pictures on the pc

all i get when i try is a box with a cross in

flak monkey - 19/10/05 at 01:42 PM

This has been gone through loads of times....

Upload your pic to your photos archive on here (make sure its less than 200pixels wide). Then open the pic in your archive.

Right click on the picture and click properties.

Select the image URL and copy it (Ctrl+C).

Paste (Ctrl+V) the URL into the avatar URL box in your profile.


zzrpowerd-locost - 19/10/05 at 01:44 PM

wicked thanks mate

lol it worked

[Edited on 19-10-05 by zzrpowerd-locost]

donut - 19/10/05 at 02:20 PM

Is that a pic of you then?

zzrpowerd-locost - 19/10/05 at 02:46 PM

pmsl no way mate

i dont look that good

zzrpowerd-locost - 19/10/05 at 02:53 PM

sry just testing changes to profile

zzrpowerd-locost - 19/10/05 at 03:06 PM


Thats how you do it!

learn something everyday

Cheers for the help flat monkey

donut - 19/10/05 at 03:20 PM

Ok how did you get that cat image to apear at the bottom?

flak monkey - 19/10/05 at 03:23 PM

Go to your profile settings and in the bit where you put your signature put the image url with the necessary [ img] and [/ img] tags then the image will appear in your signature....if you are feeling flash you can also make it a link to a website by combining some BBcode. Like this (this is the stuff for my sig but modified with space so it doesnt show pics!)

[url ][/ url] - My New Website - [b ]Now with a FAQ!!![/ b]

[ url= ]My Photo Album[/ url]

[img ][/ img][][ img][/ img][/ url]

[Edited on 19/10/05 by flak monkey]

donut - 19/10/05 at 03:24 PM

Cheers Hon

zzrpowerd-locost - 19/10/05 at 03:36 PM

Thats [img][/img]

donut - 19/10/05 at 04:13 PM

ok this is driving me nuts!

here is the code thats in the sig:

well the 1st bit is the normal code to show an image

Why can't i get the image to link on mouseover? i keep getting the link in text next to it no matter what i try.

please help

[Edited on 19/10/05 by donut]

JoelP - 20/10/05 at 06:28 PM

just copy flaks word for word and substitue the necessary links!

[][ img][/ img][/ url]

im gonna try now except i have nowhere to link it to

[Edited on 20/10/05 by JoelP]

zzrpowerd-locost - 20/10/05 at 08:49 PM

This should be what you need to make your linky buuton work

exclude the space before url and img

[][ img][/img][/url]

put it in your signature box

worked for me!

zzrpowerd-locost - 20/10/05 at 08:51 PM

just to prove it works

[Edited on 20-10-05 by zzrpowerd-locost]

donut - 20/10/05 at 11:09 PM


zzrpowerd-locost - 21/10/05 at 08:30 AM

your very welcome