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Bio in profile
zzrpowerd-locost - 20/10/05 at 04:31 PM

whats the bio box in your profile for??

donut - 20/10/05 at 05:41 PM

It's what detergent you use to wash your clothes. I use non Bio!

JoelP - 20/10/05 at 06:25 PM

biography, as in autobio... something about you!

zzrpowerd-locost - 20/10/05 at 07:39 PM

DOH! cheers

JoelP - 26/10/05 at 05:42 PM

well are you going to fill it in?!

actually i'll let you off, as i've not done mine yet!

[Edited on 26/10/05 by JoelP]