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Major Adware problem
zzrpowerd-locost - 9/11/05 at 12:54 PM

Has anyone come across this adware


How did you get rid?

Trend mirco's online scan picked it up, followed their instructions to remove it but still there!

flak monkey - 9/11/05 at 12:58 PM

Spybot and HijackThis are your friends in this case:


zzrpowerd-locost - 9/11/05 at 02:16 PM

thanks for the reply! Already tried spybot, dont even pick it up! just run hijackthis and saved logfile, can you help me make sense of it?

cheers ashley

flak monkey - 9/11/05 at 02:28 PM

Yeah. Either copy and paste the contents of the files (should be notepad) here, or email it to me and I will see if I can spot anything.


flak monkey - 9/11/05 at 02:50 PM

Running processes look fine.

The O1 entry is suspicious since it usually means that the auto search has been hijacked. Though it could be nothing to worry about. No harm in deleting that one anyway.

The only other questionable entries are:

O4 - HKCU..Run: [qfwu] CROGRA~1COMMON~1qfwuqfwum.exe

I dont know what that is and google, unusually, doesnt either. If you know what it could be then leave it alone.

The other one:
O16 - DPF: {1D4DB7D2-6EC9-47A3-BD87-1E41684E07BB} - />
Thats ok if you have smiley central installed. However they are prone to chucking up lots of ads! So I would personally get rid of that if you can.

Remember to close all your browser windoes etc when you do the fix.


zzrpowerd-locost - 9/11/05 at 05:25 PM

hi david

email sent


flak monkey - 9/11/05 at 05:38 PM

back atcha

zzrpowerd-locost - 9/11/05 at 06:28 PM

this is the trend site about it


jestre - 10/11/05 at 11:32 AM

just a side thought but, have you run your adaware/spybot/whateverelse is safe mode with system restore turned off?