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theconrodkid - 16/11/05 at 03:36 PM

i have a prob with my "c" being full all the time,i noticed that i have outlook and outlook 2,they both have the same mails in them,can i delete one or will it all go t**s up like last time

flak monkey - 16/11/05 at 03:41 PM

It'll probably go tits up...

You can get hard drives for hardly any money these days (120Gb for £50 or 300Gb for £80). Just stick another one in there and move all of your documents etc over to the new one.

You could even just run windows off your old drive, and put all your programs etc on the new one.

Not much hassle.


[Edited on 16/11/05 by flak monkey]

andyd - 16/11/05 at 03:55 PM

...use Mozilla Thunderbird instead. It'll import all your settings then remove both Outlook versions. Easy.

jestre - 16/11/05 at 03:59 PM

first step. start-accessories-system tools-disk cleanup.

second step. In Outlook. file - import/export - export to PST. Burn PST's for Backup on CDr.
delete one of the Outlook setups

theconrodkid - 16/11/05 at 04:19 PM

i like the way everyone says "easy",took me years to learn how to switch the thang on,ive got a dell with a small case and i dont supose there is any space inside for any more bits n bobs and no more sockets for external wotsits,what next men

flak monkey - 16/11/05 at 04:21 PM

Take the side off and see if there is another hard drive bay. There ought to be, as not many cases ship with only one!

Alternatively do what the others suggest ^^^

I dont use outlook at all, I just log into my mail account.


theconrodkid - 16/11/05 at 04:28 PM

k cheers peeps,anyone got a pic of what i,m looking at (numpty 1st class)

jestre - 16/11/05 at 04:44 PM

you'll want to add one of these

stevebubs - 16/11/05 at 06:01 PM

Originally posted by theconrodkid
k cheers peeps,anyone got a pic of what i,m looking at (numpty 1st class)

Which model Dell do you have? Some clever bod should be able to advise you from there....

theconrodkid - 16/11/05 at 06:31 PM

only s/n i can find is c0 jh 80j if that means anythang?

andyd - 16/11/05 at 08:36 PM

Originally posted by theconrodkid
only s/n i can find is c0 jh 80j if that means anythang?

Ah yes well that'll be the Optiplex GX50 then won't it?

Click here to look at some diagrams of the various case options. Let us know which looks like yours unless it's obviously one which can't fit another hard drive in.

I still think you'd be better off either backing up the mail and binning one of the outlooks or just swapping to Thunderbird and binning both. Hard drives are cheap but unless you know how to fit/configure one you may render the PC useless.

Do what my family/friends do... ask a computer bloke over to "help me fix my PC please!".

RichardK - 16/11/05 at 08:38 PM

Probably both versions of outlook are using the same pst file, you can check this out by doing either a "find files" of the c: drive, hopefully you should find two, one being archive.pst the other could be named anything.pst or you can try opening both versions of outlook one after another, the second should not start because the first instance of Outlook has grabbed the pst file first.

If you have found more than one you could try right mouse clicking the found file and selecting "Properties" and seeing when the file was last changed.

If you could let us have your version of Windows and versions of Outlook, to get these versions start Outlook and go to help and About Outlook we could maybe help more.

Hope that this helps



theconrodkid - 17/11/05 at 07:58 PM

i,m lost here,last time i had this problem chrisw spent hours fixing it,if i delete some mail that go back to 2003 will that empty up some space?and whats java about,it takes up plenty as well