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Norton on eBay
Mansfield - 20/1/06 at 10:27 PM

Its antivirus/firewall update time.

I currently use Norton Internet Security 2004, I know its not the best, or locost, but I am happy with it.

What are your thoughts on buying a CD from eBay like this:

Its cheap enough, and does not look much different to the dearer variants 'buy it now' options.

[Edited on 20/1/06 by Mansfield]

omega 24 v6 - 20/1/06 at 10:36 PM

U have U2U

SeaBass - 20/1/06 at 10:38 PM

Sorry, but I find virus software more and more invasive...

Don't use Microsoft browsers or mail clients and be careful about you browsing and application execution and your well one your way to not requiring a lumbering av suite.

I've remedied a number of friends PC problems recently after finding very strict virus policies running for no reason.

jestre - 20/1/06 at 10:40 PM

look for AVG from Grisoft. 100% free for home use.

also check out for firewall projects.

skydivepaul - 20/1/06 at 10:45 PM

I use AVG for anti virus and zone alarm for firewall as well as a router with a firewall.
AVG and zone alarm are free with free updates and seem to work well

Mansfield - 20/1/06 at 10:50 PM

I hate anti-virus software, and am not too fond of the firewall. It's into everything and slows my old PC down excessively at times.

I have this friend, right, who uses my PC, and has been known to look for some rather odd sites.

I want a security suite as I have had no trouble since I have had one. I wondered if this eBay offer was likely to be any good.

flak monkey - 20/1/06 at 10:50 PM

Dont buy Norton...its crap!

Its the most obtrusive piece of junk i ever installed.

FreeAv is very good though. Google it.


RazMan - 20/1/06 at 10:52 PM

I thought eBay would have jumped on this one - it is obviously pirate software and they normally spot them a mile off. You will get a copied CD and some 'crack' instructions which you can download from any number of websites ....... so I'm told.

Norton 2006 is excellent - just install and forget. There is hardly any interaction with this version - it just does the job.

[Edited on 20-1-06 by RazMan]

Mansfield - 20/1/06 at 10:55 PM

Of course you are right. It is the most loathsome piece of software I have ever installed.

Now I have become accustomed to it though, not having it would be like going outside without my trousers.

Mansfield - 20/1/06 at 10:58 PM


I was hoping it was some very cheap OEM product, but thinking about it - you are probably right.

No such thing as a free lunch. Unless you dine at AVG, of course.

Triton - 20/1/06 at 11:26 PM

AV isn't free anymore and ask robinbastd about the couple of things AV let in.....

robinbastd - 20/1/06 at 11:51 PM

Originally posted by skydivepaul
I use AVG for anti virus and zone alarm for firewall as well as a router with a firewall.
AVG and zone alarm are free with free updates and seem to work well

All of the above failed me recently,which was tiresome.In fact it was f'ing annoying.
I'm now using Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal,Filseclab firewall and every spyware program known to man.

the_fbi - 21/1/06 at 12:43 AM

Whilst we're on the subject, worthwhile running this scan, I was suprised at what it picked up, even on very well protected systems.

Messenjah - 21/1/06 at 08:17 AM

why would you buy asntivirus software that is obviously copied and could easily have a vairus on it or just a couple of trojan horses hidden in it just to get it cheaper .... ??

agree with everything else DONT buy norton

you woldnt have much comeback through ebay due to a vairus being in it if there was one what with it being pirated software and therefore illegal anyway

[Edited on 21/1/06 by Messenjah]

RichardK - 21/1/06 at 06:49 PM

I found grisofts free avg very good indeed, well worth a try Here



britishtrident - 21/1/06 at 07:55 PM

Clear up a couple things

Free AV ( antivir personal edition classic) is still free

Also lets not confuse Grisoft AVG with Free AV both are good products. Never liked Trend and wouldn't use very brash intrusive.

Norton is not my favourite product although it seems the very latest version is much less resource and cpu time hungry.

All anti-virus products have been under a lot of pressure in the last 12 months some of trojan hostage ware around is very clever and is using all the loop holes MS kindly provide. Most if not all antivirus products report false posatives keep this in mind when reading of peoples experiences when bed hopping between anti-malware products.

The easy way to security is simple don't use MS products -- but most users are stuck with Windows Xp so make the best of it install a decent anti-virus softare, update and sweep regularly with HijackThis and Ad-Aware, and keep it updated. To keep Xp updated you must avoid using pirate software.

Above all use something else other than MS products for browsing, mail and news, that really implies Firefox and Thunderbird.

One other thing avoid file sharing networks and sites with hooky software codes -- these sites are the number one source of infections -- work out the reasons for your self.

[Edited on 21/1/06 by britishtrident]