I need a bit of software to batch convert file names and extensions from Upper to Lower case.
Any ideas?
Not tried it, but will this do what you want?
Had a look, seems complicated and I can't get it to do want I want - thanks for trying though
I've tried this a couple of times...
FREE demo her you could try..........
I have used it before...........it worked for me.
What exactly do you want it todo?
im sure i could probably knock something together for you if its not too complicated.
I'll try those, thanks chaps.
All I want to do is put in lower case the file names of images I then put on my web site, as the web site only likes lower case names, and many of my
suppliers use uppercase names for the images.
I also need it to change the case of the file extension, in this case .JPG to .jpg when necessary for the same reason.
Very easy to do in vbscript.
create a new text file.
Paste the following text into it.
set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject"
Function GetPath
path = WScript.ScriptFullName
GetPath = Left(path, InstrRev(path, "")
End Function
path2 = GetPath
folder = Left(path2, (Len(path2)-1))
set folder = fso.GetFolder(folder)
set files = folder.Files
s = ""
vCount = 0
for each file in files
vCount = vCount + 1
ReDim Preserve arFiles(vCount)
Set arFiles(vCount) = file
tempfilename = LCase(arFiles(vCount).name)
file.name = "temp" & vCount
file.name = tempfilename
cscript casechange.vbs
Here's something i knocked up while i was having my lunch.
Should be fairly self explanitory.
Looks good but did not work for me..........couldn't click the OK after selecting file or folder....
[Edited on 21/2/06 by Surrey Dave]
Would that be the program i knocked together?, as ive just downloaded it and it seems to work ok for me
Don't think I'm not appreciative I'm off work for a couple of days - I'll give it a go tomorrow ....