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Compaq LTE 5280
donut - 6/3/06 at 03:44 PM

Have been given a Compaq LTE 5280 laptop for free today and was wondering if it would be ok for running megajolt. It has no CD ROM and no power supply and the battery is stone dead so i don't even know if it works. I may be being given another more up to date lappy soon so i don't want to spend money on this one to find it's no good anyway.

Were they any good in their time?

trogdor - 6/3/06 at 05:19 PM

as long as it has a serial port and u have someway of getting the software and maps on to it it should be fine. i will be using a really old laptop my self when i have got my megajolt to work, have had major probs with it!

even if it has no serial port, u can use usb adapters etc to allow it to work.

however getting a power supply for it will prob cost at least 30 pouinds. so if the other one u may get is better, i would wait til u get that one. especially if it has a power supply!

donut - 6/3/06 at 05:32 PM

Yeah i'm in no rush so i'll wait and see if this other one materialises.

Surrey Dave - 6/3/06 at 06:04 PM

120mhz probably 32mb ram, its not worth spending much on although it may well run Megajoltune OK......

donut - 6/3/06 at 06:12 PM

Yeah by the time i have bought a CD ROM, new battery and power supply i could have bought yours Dave!!

chriscook - 6/3/06 at 11:29 PM

Its what i'm running Megajolt tune with at the moment. Takes a while to load up but it works.