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Weird Linux Problem
Noodle - 11/7/06 at 09:32 AM

I've got a Linux box (dual boot XP/Suse) in the from room (an Asus Terminator AE-1) for the kids, but the network access is strange.

If I boot into XP, all's fine with surfing and seeing the other servers in the house (DHCP)

If I boot into Suse, all I can get to is, and a couple of other sites. That's through Konqueror and Forefox.

I tried Kubuntu (6.06) and Ubuntu and now Suse and they're all suffering the same problem. I tried turning off ipv6 in Firefox, but no difference.

I can ping out to, but when I try and connect, the browser says connected - waiting for reply and sits there forever.

Anyone got any good ideas? (I've tried static IP's too)

Oh, I've turned the firewall off too. My old Fedora Core 2 box in the garage and a Kubuntu on a Dell can see t'internet OK.

Why just some sites?


andyharding - 11/7/06 at 09:33 AM

I'd start by looking into MTU issues.

chockymonster - 11/7/06 at 09:52 AM

try it with lynx2, see if you can connect using a text browser

tks - 11/7/06 at 10:01 AM

think its a dns problem.

dns/gateway ?

check that kind of things..


iank - 11/7/06 at 10:10 AM

Doing a search it seems the LAN chip may not be supported

If you can't find a driver (sorry work just about to kick off here) a simple fix is a supported £5 network card from somewhere.

Noodle - 11/7/06 at 12:03 PM

Lynx - same problem as Konqueror/Firefox
MTU - Changed it to auto on the router, no joy, changed it up/down, no change.
DNS - Set as dynamic from router (just like the 5 other PC's on the network, mixture of XP/Fedora/Kubuntu i386 and x64). Manually set the DNS too - no difference.
The distribution (Dapper 6.06) and Suse find the SIS190 card and claim it's working properly.
I didn't want another network card as I've no PCI slots cards left after my TV card has gone in! But I've got a couple in my garage somewhere that are worth trying.

Why see google/novell and a couple of others, but not the wider world?

I can ping the bbc, but can't download. I've even put the beeb's IP address in the browsers and suffered the same.

I think a big hammer might solve it. Or Windoze


britishtrident - 11/7/06 at 06:21 PM

Almost certainly a DCHP client DNS and gateway issue, the PCs network settings aren't set up to pick up the DNS server settings from the DHCP service in the router. and almost certainly work because thery are either in the hosts file or you have bind running as caching proxy.

Really just a case of setting the network settings to get DNS server info via DCHP --- with my distro Mepis it would take about 10 seconds via Mepis Config OS GUI , not sure about the ones you are using.

Noodle - 13/7/06 at 03:06 PM

I swithed the ADSL router from my newer Linksys to my old 3COM office connect and bingo! - it worked with DHCP as well as static IP.

Very odd as apparently the firmware in the Linksys is Linux based.

All my other Linux boxes continue to see the network happily.

Looks like a Linux/SIS190/Linksys triangle of evil.