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Linux for idiots
donut - 14/7/06 at 08:55 PM

There has been alot of talk recently about Linux. Now i know what it is but could someone post some details of what you can do with linux, whats available and what is Ubuntu all about.

A general guide would be great especially if it can do everything my windows machine can do. Can you get good image editors and office software for example that's compatible with Office etc?


CommanderAce - 14/7/06 at 09:12 PM

Ubuntu is a Linux distribution, meaning its an operating system, however unlike alot of Linux distros its nice and friendly, more so than WinXP.

Basically Ubuntu can do everything XP can do and a hell of a lot more, with the upside that its all free and legal!

If I recall correctly, Ubuntu ships with a copy of OpenOffice which is a free office suite, rather much like MS Office, only free and in many respects better and easier to use.

Also with Ubuntu you will very rarely need to install any software as it all comes pre-installed and if it ain't you can choose from a huge library of (free) software which Ubuntu will then download straight off the net and install for you!

Any more questions, give me a shout

Surrey Dave - 14/7/06 at 09:54 PM

And I can do you a copy!

Hellfire - 14/7/06 at 10:09 PM

You aswell Andy? I'm thinking along the same lines... I've just about had my fill of M$hit. I'm a little anxious as to whether or not the software I need will be available though...

joneh - 14/7/06 at 10:49 PM

I tried Ubuntu - gave up after six hours of farting around trying to get it to install. Got Debian now

Peteff - 14/7/06 at 11:09 PM

I have Ubuntu running on an old PIII 450 and it installed and runs fine, I have several different Linux distros all downloaded via bittorrent and am just experimenting with them for something to do. I ran Mepis on the same machine with no problems also, it has a cd burner,30gig HDD and an old ATI graphics card and everything works with the drivers it has built in. I've just downloaded the Xandros open circulation edition and am going to try it some time along with Gentoo.

dl_peabody - 15/7/06 at 01:08 AM

I recently had my primary Hard drive crash....good bye windows....I lived a month booting off a knoppix (live CD). Everything ran off the CD rom until I could poperly fix/replace the HD.

Also live CD's are a good way to familiarize yourself with linux without making the commitment. (also to see if most of your hardware wil work)

David Jenkins - 15/7/06 at 08:34 AM

One of this month's Linux magazines in W H Smiths has the latest Ubuntu distro taped to its cover - live AND install versions. DVD only - you may have to burn a CD off it.

This is a quick way to get a copy if you don't want to, or aren't able to, download 600 - 700MB in one hit.


CommanderAce - 15/7/06 at 09:00 AM

The latest Ubuntu is both a Live and an install CD/DVD. Its rather cool, you boot off the disk into a Live session and from there you can either use it as is or run a fully graphical instillation.

[Edited on 15-7-06 by CommanderAce]

Surrey Dave - 15/7/06 at 11:17 AM

Andy : Disregarding the stupid comments somewhere above i was trying to save you boring download time as I have the Install and Live disc , they are about 650mb each , depends how urgent you are .

if you want a local run out in your car you can collect.

ned - 15/7/06 at 11:26 AM

i use the gimp for image editing which i think is very good, i use it on windows at the moment but i first used it on linux where it originates from.
