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Waitrose BroadBand
oliwb - 15/9/06 at 01:44 PM

Just started with waitrose broad band but don't seem to be able to get ebay or hotmail to work and I can't upload anything?? Very strange....any suggestions? Oli.

oliwb - 15/9/06 at 01:44 PM

Sorry would have been longer and in more detail but I can only upload literally a sentence or two at once! Thanks....

Hellfire - 15/9/06 at 01:50 PM

it may be that lots of people are also on the line (50:1) at the same time - so uploading is slow.

There is a problem with implementaion of 4Mb and upwards being reliable ATM (according to Tiscali)...

Sounds like a slow connection though... reset your router/modem and try again.


oliwb - 15/9/06 at 04:25 PM

Turns out its an airport problem...working now I'm on Ethernet, but stuck in the loft to browse e-bay Oli.

stevebubs - 15/9/06 at 09:09 PM

Originally posted by Hellfire
it may be that lots of people are also on the line (50:1) at the same time - so uploading is slow.

There is a problem with implementaion of 4Mb and upwards being reliable ATM (according to Tiscali)...

Don't believe everything your ISP says...

iank - 15/9/06 at 11:01 PM

There is a stabilisation period for 8M ADSL while the modem and the exchange figure out the maximum speed they can get. I got upgraded yesterday (automagically - amazing what a few leaving customers will do ) and the line was up and down all day. Today it was fine.