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virus trouble
JoelP - 14/10/06 at 06:10 PM


avg tells me i have it but it cant fix or move it. There is an icon on my desktop for it but i dont remember installing anything. Its been there a month. Any ideas?

DIY Si - 14/10/06 at 06:28 PM

Have you tried pulling up the activity screen(?), or the program manager thing and stopping the program, as if it's running windows won't let you do much with it. Then quickly try to remove it. Used to work a lot of the time for me.

joneh - 14/10/06 at 06:33 PM

Does avg give you the name of the virus? Or just the file created?

Peteff - 14/10/06 at 06:46 PM

Prospector setup is a legit ebay tool program but you have an extra .jpg file extension in there. Is it in add/remove programs so you can uninstall it?

JoelP - 14/10/06 at 06:47 PM

i think it was suspicious due to the hidden extension. Ive deleted the program off the desktop now and its running a scan. Hopefully a false alarm! But i did let the norton run out for a few weeks before i got a free scanner!

scan just finished with nowt found though so i guess the drama is over! Cheers anyway.