Has anyone got anyidea what is wrong with my printer just got a message saying that parts are at their life end. Printer wont work anymore and both the red and green lights are flashing. Is it worth taking in to get repaired ive got quite a few ink cartridges for it unused. Is there an easy do it yourself repairkit? Jacko
Epsom are horrible for that sort of thing. Can u reset it in the printer control panel or something. Try unpugging it and putting new cartridges in..
if its a c42 its well past the end of its life, most of them manage 18 months the c44 and 46 are just as bad.
go buy a d78 and run gen ink at £6.99 will last much longer
Thanks for all your advice unfortunately its a bit late tonight to start messing around with the printer got to much on. Lets hope we can get it going otherwise we will have to go and get another due to daughters GCSE work coming to a standstill tonight. Any suggestions which is best to go for that isn't too dear for ink cartridges etc. jacko
Just had a look at tool for epsom printers and it doesnt seem to do the C42 model weve had a go at downloading the programme and can see how to do it but the model we have isn't in the list. jacko
Tried the C4x and it doesnt work says there is a communication problem so cant be C42 tried unsupported models doesn't give the option to clear counters