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Screen capture?
mookaloid - 1/1/07 at 03:12 PM

I have a WMV file and want to capture a screen shot from it.

Windows media player does not seem to to this

Any help gratefully received



SeaBass - 1/1/07 at 03:31 PM

VLC Media Player is your friend...

Great for any video related content... No codecs to download!

mookaloid - 1/1/07 at 03:44 PM

Originally posted by SeaBass
VLC Media Player is your friend...

Great for any video related content... No codecs to download!

Spot on thanks

jos - 1/1/07 at 03:48 PM

Have you tried pausing the video at the snapshot in time, then press the PrntScrn button on your keyboard - normally found next to the function keys at the top of the keyboard and then creating a new file in whatever photoediting software you have and pasting it in there???

mookaloid - 1/1/07 at 05:08 PM

Originally posted by jos
Have you tried pausing the video at the snapshot in time, then press the PrntScrn button on your keyboard - normally found next to the function keys at the top of the keyboard and then creating a new file in whatever photoediting software you have and pasting it in there???

Did try that first, but the picture didn't transfer - just got a gap where the picture should have been.

Anyhow - sorted now thanks

