i using belkin router and pcmia card that came togeather from pc world..
All seems to be set up and the laptop will find the network that im trying to use and it gets full connection strength but..
it just keeps coming up that it cannot gain an IP address..
im sure its something simple..Like me really..
I'd check that you have enabled the DHCP server in the router, and configured the laptop to use a DHCP address.
i have just checked this and it seems ok..
i see from the help screen that some isp dont allow more than one connection per broadband user..does anyone know if this is the case with ntl/virgin
Is it the router that can't get the IP or the PC? If its the router you need to either clone the MAC address of the original PC connected to NTL
on the router, or re-run the NTL disc.
If its the PC make sure you have the wireless encryption (if you have any) set up correctly, you're obtaining the IP automatically and if you
have XP you are letting the PC cards software handle the connection and windows.
Are you using a firewall on the laptop? if so try disabling it
(1) Disable encryption on both router and laptop.
(2) If you have XP use the XP built in zero configuration networking wizard to set up the connnection.
(3) After you get this to work set up encryption.