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Basic Video Editing Software
lsdweb - 5/3/07 at 01:55 PM

Hi All

I'm looking for some basic video editing software for work.

I'm setting up a team for monitoring our operational incidents and we'll be using these cameras as shown below.

We need a basic bit of software which must be legal as we're Federation Against Software Theft (FAST) accredited.

All we need is something that can be used for basic editing (cutting out unwanted bits) and the ability to save to different formats other than AVI.

Any suggestions?


Wyn Rescued attachment IMG_0443.JPG
Rescued attachment IMG_0443.JPG

MikeR - 5/3/07 at 01:59 PM

have you played with windows movie maker?

(with win XP)

is basic, free and does an ok job.

graememk - 5/3/07 at 02:05 PM

i have a brand new unused copy of pinnacle studio 10 thats yours for £10 inc vat and postage

Avoneer - 5/3/07 at 06:40 PM

ULead has been good for me so far.

Did they make you design the bracket???


lsdweb - 5/3/07 at 07:37 PM

Thanks guys

I'd forgotten about Windows Movie Maker - we may just give that a try first.

Pat - the bracket is temporary until we get something more suitable! It's quite tricky as we need to retain the visor (up and down). We've got the straps for mounting around the helmet but these would confuse everybody over our role markings (black bands!)



Avoneer - 5/3/07 at 09:08 PM

Hi Wyn,

It wasn't a dig or anything, just reminds me how much else we all end up doing just because we build/engineer cars.

Pat ;-)

lsdweb - 5/3/07 at 09:24 PM

Hi Pat - I didn't take it as a dig!

It's true though - I needed to get this sorted and if I waited for anybody else to do it I'd get nowhere. And with a limited departmental budget (gone from over £3million in my last job to about 40p in this one!) it was a case of out with the hacksaw and aluminium bar...!


Avoneer - 5/3/07 at 09:43 PM

Not sure the helmet meet hillclimb regs???

Pat ;-)

lsdweb - 5/3/07 at 09:51 PM

Not sure it now meets our regs for work either with that bit of ali on the side, but we're not going anywhere near anything dangerous!

If the cameras work out ok I may invest in one for the single seater - at £100 they're pretty good value and fairly robust.


MikeR - 6/3/07 at 06:51 PM

whats the quality like? i've seen some videos on you tube that are awful - but also comments that you tube has reduced the quality.

I've heard that the mic is worse than useless. I'm just tempted for when i go skiing. So it would be relitively quick movement (i doubt i ever get above 30mph), bumpy in hopefully bright sunshine but with lots of white around.

lsdweb - 6/3/07 at 08:37 PM

Hi MikeR

We haven't got them yet! The one in the picture is a dummy we borrowed for trial purposes.

There's a sample video on one of the many sites selling these of somebody on a water slide here

I'm tempted to get one for the single seater and at under £100 it's good value!


[Edited on 6/3/07 by lsdweb]