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Solidworks Help
andrewturner - 26/4/07 at 12:36 PM

How do you display a thread helix in solids.

Hellfire - 26/4/07 at 12:42 PM

You cant... unless you faf!

bigandy - 26/4/07 at 04:11 PM

It depends how you are creating the thread. If you are using the "hole wizard" command to put a threaded hole in (for example) then the option should be given in the feature manager box to show "cosmetic thread" (in the options box usually).

This is exactly what it says, a cosmetic thread there for looks only. You need to make sure the option to display cosmetic threads is turned on in the "tools, options" box. (select the document properties, then Annotations display tab to show the display filter options, where you should find the "Shaded cosmetic thread" option that needs to be turned on).

You can also apply cosmetic threads to cylindrical features (either holes or shafts). This can be found in the "insert, annotations" menu. You need to select a circular edge, and specify an end condition.

The cosmetic thread is useful for quickly showing where threads need to go in a model, although the display is a bit pants. It usually shows a zebra type effort. However, if you then create 2d drawing views, and you have put the correct thread callout in when applying the cosmetic thread, it will speed draiwng creation up considerably as you can just use the smart dimension tool...

If you want to accurately show a 3D representation of a thread helix, then you need to get busy drawing a few circles of the correct diameter, a tooth profile for the thread you want to draw, and then do a swept cut or swetp extrude feature..

Give me a shout if you need more help.


cadebytiger - 26/4/07 at 04:43 PM

How do you all have solid works. Is it a "backup" or do you use it at work?

Looks like a great design program!

flak monkey - 26/4/07 at 05:19 PM

If you are a student you can get it free as long as your uni has a liscence for it.

Otherwise its a backup

bigandy - 26/4/07 at 07:04 PM

I use it/sort other peoples problems with it out, day in, day out for a living. The Solidoworks license allows the use of it at home too, providing it is not where it is mainly used, or something like that....

I also have a backup copy though


cadebytiger - 26/4/07 at 07:08 PM

any way i might be able to find a backup? Maybe at the show? Looks like it might be quite useful and at the very least fun to mess about with
