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Ahhhhhh - Word help needed
Jasper - 2/6/07 at 10:32 AM

I don't want to do anythingh complicated - just an invitation card, but can I bloody format it - NO

A5 landscape, folded, with a picture on the front (from file) and text on the right page inside.

Doesn't sound too difficult does it - but can I bloody well get the page to format. I can select A5 and landscape, but then I get stuck trying to split the page up into two section for the fold if that makes sense.

Any help appreciated.

MattCraneCustoms - 2/6/07 at 10:35 AM

I'd go with publisher if you have the option, its a lot more simpler for that sorta thing. Not much help if you haven't got it though . . .

Worzey - 2/6/07 at 10:44 AM

There are a few ways to do this.

Have you tried the columns feature Tools>>Columns and then select two column.

You could also do it as a table with 1 row and two columns.

Jasper - 2/6/07 at 10:50 AM

Ah - stupid me - I do have Publisher - just never used it before, I'll give it a go -
