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Web site building
madrallysport - 19/6/07 at 11:41 AM

I'm just starting my first build, i want to document it for myself, but i would also like to host it on a web site, i have a bit of computer knowledge but non of building sites, i've looked at many people's on here and some are brilliant, i'm looking some thing easy and quick to do, ie drop and drag set up. Can anyone give me advice.

vinny1275 - 19/6/07 at 12:02 PM

use a blog - go to

I do have experience building websites, but for the build it was much easier to just set up a blog. You don't have to find anywhere to have it hosted, just drag and drop the stuff you want onto your page. It also keeps it in a nice chronological order. Just log in and post - couldn't be easier!

Mine's not the best example - it's several weeks behind my car! but it probably wouldn't even be online if I had done a site from scratch!!



andyharding - 19/6/07 at 12:32 PM

Or use

vinny1275 - 19/6/07 at 12:50 PM

Shameless self-plug there Andy......

I've only had a brief loook, but isn't yours just a wiki? Other people could edit your build pages!! That might be quite good fun actually, you could photoshop people's engine installations, so the engine is in upside-down and back to front..... hmmm. Something to keep in mind....

Your site is very useful, I'm not trying to knock it! Anywhere to put all that kind of knowledge in one place is great. As with Wikipedia though, the info is only as good as the people inserting or editing it... There isn't a BEC vs CEC page yet, maybe I'll write one....



worX - 19/6/07 at 01:50 PM

Use a blog as recommended above, but one thing is for sure, you have to keep on top of it, or it gets to be more cumbersome than building your car!

Take photos of every job you do, then put them on the computer and write at least a few words about each of the jobs every night!


Hellfire - 19/6/07 at 05:48 PM

Tell me about it worX.... very late nights and sometimes no sleep at all!


madrallysport - 20/6/07 at 08:54 PM

Thanks all for your help, i've played with a few of the idea's like the blog site etc, but i was told by a friend in work about, so i've pieced together this site, please take a look and tell me what you think, its very basic at the minute but i'd like some feedback on it - link below Click here

Hellfire - 21/6/07 at 09:55 PM

As you say - it is basic but quite well written. Although it doesn't actually have any of YOU about it as it is a generic type site... still, better than nothing, keep it updated regularly!
