Any help much appresh.
PC was working fine this morning, I get home and move mouse to wake up system and don't seem to have connection between PC and screen.
Try restart, and I get the bootup screen then machine and screen seem to lose connectivity - screen goes into sleep mode.
Try restart and get nothing (no power), though fiddling with wires seems to help. Am currently in safe mode as crashes if I try normal mode. Have
taken PC outside and given a good blow to clean fans and boards, but would like other suggestions please.
Hi Simon,
Check that your graphics card is fully seated in the AGP/PCI slot. Ideally pop it out and back in to clean up the contacts. Blow any dust out of the
slot while it's out.
Do you have another monitor you could try? Might isolate the problem. Borrow one from a mate if necessary.
My first thought was that you may have selected a graphics mode which was too high for your monitor. This can also put them to sleep. However, safe
mode should run at a much lower resolution (prob. 640x480) so if you're still having problems in safe mode then I'd suspect hardware. Maybe
a dodgy solder joint on the graphics card connector?
I hope some of these suggestions help.
Originally posted by Simon
fiddling with wires seems to help.
It's just booted up in normal mode! Very weird. If it plays around again, I'll do as you suggest
How's your car coming along?
Cats get behind pc, and they might keep swapping wires around
Originally posted by Simon
Cats get behind pc, and they might keep swapping wires around
You haven't recently run a microsoft patch have you? There are quite a few reports of similar things happening after updating MS .Net framework. If so try uninstalling and resinstalling the latest .net framework.