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jpg file resizing program - batch
02GF74 - 17/9/07 at 11:02 AM

Is there a jpg file resizing program that can be run from thje command line so that I can write a batch file to resize many files?

i.e. works something like:

resize -50 myBig.jpg mySmall.jpg

where -50 is percentage
myBig.jpg is input file
mySmall.jpg is resized output file.

I do not want to open each file, resize, save to new file etc. as that isfar too slow.

BenB - 17/9/07 at 11:13 AM

You could use something like

but it doesn't do percentages just a fixed output size.


ReMan - 17/9/07 at 11:31 AM

Paint Shop Pro
Will do all but rename.
But will save the resized files to a different directory

RazMan - 17/9/07 at 11:35 AM

Pixresiszer does exactly that

RoadkillUK - 17/9/07 at 04:47 PM

ACDSee will do it but it's not free ... ever heard of torrents

It's a file viewer, I've used it for years, comes with an editor and can batch convert/rename amongst other things.

ironside - 17/9/07 at 05:06 PM


ImageMagick -

It's free and the command line syntax is almost exactly as you wrote it.