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laptop hard drives
mookaloid - 31/3/08 at 11:33 AM

I have had a dell CPx lappy which I have used for a couple of years just for around the house on the wireless network, also for playing around with Linux - Mint, ubuntu etc. It's only a p3 650MHz but it's been fine for email and web surfing in the living room etc.

I have been running win2k on it on one hard drive and I bought a second hard drive and caddy for the alternative operating systems.

I picked it up on Saturday and it couldn't find the win2k hard drive - it had been playing up a bit and running slow so I guess the hard drive had given up.

No problem I just put the other drive in and booted up Mint. then yesterday that won't boot up either - it was saying that the Hard disk had errors I tried to install win2k but it wouldn't go past formatting the Hard drive.

What are the chances of 2 hard drives going t*ts up or is the whole thing sha**ed?



RichardK - 31/3/08 at 11:41 AM

Wonder if the disk controller could be knackering drives, get a bios update if you can and we can try another harddrive in Sat if you want, I've got a couple we could try.


mookaloid - 31/3/08 at 12:14 PM

Thanks mate I'll look into a bios update - although I think I did this a while back.

See you on Saturday