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Mark Allanson - 9/5/08 at 07:08 PM

I am with Pipex at the moment and to be quite honest, they are next to useless. My email has stopped working and they freely admit that it is a server problem, but don't seem to be able to sort it. My download speed varies between 4kbs (yes thats 'K' bs) and 6.3mbs.

I am thinking of changing to BT home hub jobbie with the vision option.

Is it any good?, and other recommendations?

in advance

Guinness - 9/5/08 at 07:18 PM

I've been with the same ISP for years. They used to be freenetname, now madasafish and tbh they are a no nonsense provider.

A steady 8mb bb on a fixed IP address, I have a wireless home network across which is connected a Wii, my computer, her laptop, my laptop and a printer. And they all work OK, accessing the internet / emails without trauma.

I've even managed to set up another website, domain name with another ISP yet route the emails through etc and get the emails forwarded to my blackberry.



Oh and I get £20 and you get £10 if you subscribe because of my referral.

[Edited on 9/5/08 by Guinness]

blakep82 - 9/5/08 at 07:18 PM

BT is slow tonight they're generally really good though

JohnN - 9/5/08 at 07:35 PM

I've been with BT for a few years, upgrading the service from the original 2Mb to 8 Mb seemed a good move but turned out to be a backward step and initially the connection was far worse (but cheaper) it has improved since, but nowhere near their anticipated speed. I found the BT router was always dropping the connection and needing to be re-started, I have since reverted back to my netgear router and haven't had a connection problem since then.
In summary, I'm sure it could be better, but in comparison to many other experiences it could be a lot worse.
Cautiously recommended

DaveFJ - 9/5/08 at 07:48 PM

BT home hub=door wedge... little other use for them!

despite the horror stories you hear i have been with NTL (now virgin media) with a cable service for 8 years and i have NEVER had a single loss of service! who else can say that? plus my 8mb connection provides a reliable 7.8Mb download speed! the secret is contention rates... if you have an adsl line the contention rate can be up to 50... thats 50 people all competing for your 8mb bandwidth you pay for! with cable the contention rate is limited to 5!

I am sure there will be many other now who come forward with there horror stories but I can only speak from experience... 8 years without a hitch...

iank - 9/5/08 at 08:31 PM

Been with Demon for 5 years and never had a problem except when the local exchange had a fire engine sat outside I called them (not knowing why service wasn't available) and got a bloke from the UK who knew what he was talking about. Obviously didn't know the adsl racks had flambéed so couldn't debug beyond suggesting the exchange had a problem. Service was back within 24hours.

Probably not the fastest or cheapest, but have been consistently invisible which is just what I want.

bimbleuk - 10/5/08 at 05:54 AM

I was with Plusnet then Nildram who were both great until they were absorbed into larger companies. Then the usage policies became too restrictive and the support generally got slower or dumbed down.

So now I'm with Be on the basic unlimited package which gives 1 fixed IP address and up to 24Mbs. Though realistically unless you're sat on the exchange you'll get typically between 10-15Mbs. I'm getting 12Mbs which twice what I had before so thats 1200k/s download speeds and its been very stable and consistant.

They use the ADSL2+ standard which means you have to check your exchange has been upgraded. Much more consistant speeds than ADSL. As a test I just started two downloads, streamed from BBC iPlayer and browsed with no slow down

Grunty - 11/5/08 at 06:38 AM